When it’s time to pay off your loan, we’re here to help you close that chapter smoothly. Before you make any payments, be sure to double-check your payoff amount, as this will include daily interest and prevent any leftover charges. Do not pay the amount shown on your last statement. Many loans continue to accrue interest on a daily basis. We don’t want you to incur a late fee for any unpaid portion. Don’t worry—if you end up overpaying, we’ll simply refund the extra back to your savings account.
We offer multiple ways to access your loan payoff:
For the quickest, easiest payoff, log in to Online and Mobile Banking.
Prefer mailing a check? Be sure you’ve received your 10-day payoff amount and place a check in the mail directed to our address:
Climb Credit Union
ATTN: Lending Support
5005 W 60th Ave
Arvada, CO 80003
You’re always welcome to visit one of our branches to pay off your loan in person. We will give you the exact payoff amount and can accept cash, check, or credit card payments.
Manage your accounts worldwide with free Online and Mobile Banking* and free eStatements. In the U.S., funds are accessible at nearly 30,000 fee-free CO-OP ATMs and over 5,600 CO-OP Shared Branch locations.